omniprogram version 1 { ProgramInfo { ScreenRatioMain = 0.8, ScreenRatioTouch = 0.8, ProgramType = ptDUALSCREEN } resources { LoadType = Image ( Name = "mercuryBryce1024x512", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\mercuryBryce1024x512.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "Venus2048", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Venus2048.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "earth2048", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\earth2048.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "marsBryce1440x720", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Mars2048x1024.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "Jupiter2048x1024", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Jupiter2048x1024.JPG" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "Saturn2048A", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Saturn2048A.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "neptune", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\neptune.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "uranusBryce1024x512", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\uranusBryce1024x512.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "pluto1024x512", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\pluto1024x512.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "Moon2048x1024", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Moon2048x1024.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "phobosBryce1440x720", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\phobosBryce1440x720.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "io2048x1024", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\io2048x1024.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "europa2048", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\europa2048.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "ganymede2", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\ganymede2.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "callisto", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\callisto.jpg" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "Titan512x256", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\Titan512x256.bmp" ); LoadType = Image ( Name = "proteusBryce720x360", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\SolSys\proteusBryce720x360.jpg" ); LoadType = Overlay ( Name = "daylight3", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Overlays\daylight3.bmp" ); LoadType = Overlay ( Name = "Grid_15_85_2048_inverse", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Overlays\Grid_15_85_2048_inverse.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "TwilightWithBushes", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\Twilight.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Mercury Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconMercury.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Venus Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconVenus2.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Earth Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconEarth.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Mars Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconMars.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Jupiter Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconJupiter.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Uranus Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconUranus.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Neptune Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconNeptune.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Pluto Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconPluto.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Saturn Icon", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\IconSaturn.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "Twilight_nine_planets", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\Twilight_nine_planets.bmp" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "TwilightFromWhiteIsland", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\TwilightFromWhiteIsland.jpeg" ); LoadType = Bitmap ( Name = "TwilightPowerLines", Path = "C:\ArcSolarSystem\Bitmaps\TwilightPowerLines.jpeg" ); LoadType = FontDef ( Name = "Default", FontName = "Lucida Sans Unicode", FontSize = 0.07 ); LoadType = FontDef ( Name = "Script, 0.08", FontName = "Script", FontSize = 0.08 ); LoadType = FontDef ( Name = "SmallFont", FontName = "Lucida Sans", FontSize = 0.03 ); LoadType = FontDef ( Name = "MoonsFont", FontName = "Lucida Sans", FontSize = 0.02 ); LoadType = FontDef ( Name = "Bottom Buttons Font", FontName = "Lucida Sans", FontSize = 0.025 ); LoadType = ColorDef ( Name = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Color = $11118C ); LoadType = ColorDef ( Name = "PlanetIconFontColor", Color = $FFFFFF ); } block "Block0" { pagesetup { command = SetBackBitmap ( bitmapname = "Twilight_nine_planets" ); command = SetImage ( imagename = "earth2048" ); command = SetOverlay ( overlayname = "Grid_15_85_2048_inverse" ); } initialize { command = DisableOverlay; } enable device = Button ( name = "Header Title Box", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.2, Top = 0.07, Width = 0.6, Height = 0.08, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "Default", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Planets And Moons", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = False, ActivateOnRelease = False) enable device = Button ( name = "Exit Button", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.79945054945055, Top = 0.919243986254295, Width = 0.167582417582418, Height = 0.070446735395189, BackColor = "clMaroon", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Return To Main Menu", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = True) { command = Exit; } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Mercury", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.01, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Mercury Icon", Caption = "Mercury", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "mercuryBryce1024x512" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Venus", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.12, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Venus Icon", Caption = "Venus", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "Venus2048" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Earth", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.23, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Earth Icon", Caption = "Earth", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "earth2048" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Mars", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.34, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Mars Icon", Caption = "Mars", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "marsBryce1440x720" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Jupiter", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.45, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Jupiter Icon", Caption = "Jupiter", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "Jupiter2048x1024" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Saturn", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.56, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Saturn Icon", Caption = "Saturn", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "Saturn2048A" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Uranus", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.67, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Uranus Icon", Caption = "Uranus", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "uranusBryce1024x512" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Neptune", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.78, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Neptune Icon", Caption = "Neptune", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "neptune" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Planets : Pluto", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.89, Top = 0.25, Width = 0.1, Height = 0.125, BackColor = "PlanetIconBkgnd", Font = "SmallFont", FontColor = "PlanetIconFontColor", BorderWidth = 3, BitmapName = "Pluto Icon", Caption = "Pluto", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "pluto1024x512" ); } enable device = TrackDrag ( target = targetMAINWINDOW, SpinUpCount = 0, SpinUpReset = 0, SpinUpInflect = 0) enable device = Button ( name = "Moons: Earth : Moon", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.235, Top = 0.4, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Moon", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "Moon2048x1024" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Mars : Phobos", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.345, Top = 0.4, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Phobos", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "phobosBryce1440x720" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Jupiter : Io", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.455, Top = 0.4, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Io", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "io2048x1024" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Jupiter : Europa", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.455, Top = 0.46, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Europa", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "europa2048" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Jupiter : Ganymede", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.455, Top = 0.52, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Ganymede", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "ganymede2" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Jupiter : Callisto", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.455, Top = 0.58, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Callisto", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "callisto" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Saturn : Titan", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.565, Top = 0.4, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Titan", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "Titan512x256" ); } enable device = Button ( name = "Moons : Neptune : Proteus", target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.785, Top = 0.4, Width = 0.09, Height = 0.05, BackColor = "clNavy", Font = "MoonsFont", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Proteus", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = SetImage ( imagename = "proteusBryce720x360" ); } enable device = Button ( target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.015, Top = 0.95, Width = 0.16, Height = 0.04, BackColor = "clGray", Font = "Bottom Buttons Font", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Overlay ON", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = EnableOverlay; } enable device = Button ( target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.185, Top = 0.95, Width = 0.16, Height = 0.04, BackColor = "clGray", Font = "Bottom Buttons Font", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Overlay OFF", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = DisableOverlay; } enable device = Button ( target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.355, Top = 0.95, Width = 0.16, Height = 0.04, BackColor = "clGray", Font = "Bottom Buttons Font", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Rotation ON", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = EnableAutoRotate; } enable device = Button ( target = targetTOUCHWINDOW, Left = 0.525, Top = 0.95, Width = 0.16, Height = 0.04, BackColor = "clGray", Font = "Bottom Buttons Font", FontColor = "clWhite", BorderWidth = 3, Caption = "Rotation OFF", RepeatEnabled = False, RepeatDelay = 0, RepeatRate = 0, PressEnabled = True, ActivateOnRelease = False) { command = DisableAutoRotate; } } }